Serving: 15

Preparation Time: 30 minutes

Start to Finish: 2 hours



4 ½ pounds ground beef

4 ½ each egg

7/8 each green peppers, finely chopped

5/8 each onion, finely chopped

1 ¾ cups milk

5/8 bread crumbs

2 teaspoons Italian seasoning

2 teaspoons granulated garlic

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

2 teaspoons salt


Preheat over 350

Place all ingredients in large mixing bowl. With gloved hands, mix thoroughly until all ingredients are evenly distributed.

Divide into 6 portions. Shape each into a loaf or bake in loaf pans. Put hand formed loaves on a sheet pan that has been sprayed and put paper on it

If baking in loaf pans, put them on a sheet pan before putting in the oven

Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes until 155 degrees


Per serving (excluding unknown items): 458 calories; 39g  Fat (73.1% calories from fat); 26g Protein; 6g  carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 183mg cholesterol; 456mg sodium. Exchanges: 3 ½ lean meat; 6 fat; 0 grain (starch); 0 vegetable; 0 other carbohydrates; 0 non-fat milk

Generously funded by The Russell & Josephine Kott Charitable Memorial Trust